Year 2007 - 2009: Ron's first solo concert 

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Autism Quotes

Nobody's good in everything.
Advantages and disadvantages
come in many forms.
by Charles Schwab

"He told me that his teachers reported
that . . . he was mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in his foolish dreams."
by Hans Albert Einstein, on his dad, Albert Einstein

"...never was much good at the 'easy'
part of mathematics. To shine, he had to move on to the 'hard' part.' In adult life his mathematical intuition was recognized as
extraordinary and he could handle deftly
the most difficult of tensor calculus, but it appears arithmetic calculation continued to be an area of comparative weakness"
-- Einstein's sister

"I grew up in a school system, where nobody understood the meaning of learning disorder. In the West Indies, I was constantly being physically abused because whipping
of students was permitted."
-- Harry Belafonte

"I was, on the
whole, considerably discouraged by my school days. It was
not pleasant to feel oneself so completely outclassed and left behind at the
beginning of the race."
Winston Churchill

Life on the Spectrum: Our Story [excerpt-© Copyright 1995-2002 janet norman-bain. [All Rights Reserved ] 
Click here:

"Our goal has always been to teach him
the "navigation" skills he needs to get
around in this world, not to "cure" or "normalize" him. Therapies were
always aimed at
easing 'symptoms' to make this easier."
-- Jypsy

Click here:
Systematic Treatment of Autism & Related Disorders

FROM The Genesis of Artistic Creativity: Asperger’s Syndrome and the Arts:
Persons with the Asperger's syndrome are often highly  persistent, workaholics, content with their own company and solitary artistic occupations; they focus on detail with massive curiosity and total immersion; they are novelty-seekers in terms of their art, with massive imagination in their specialized spheres.

They are also far less influenced by previous or contemporary artists in their work than are ‘neurotypicals’. It appears that the autistic artist, because of his or her rather diffuse identity and diffuse psychological boundaries, has the capacity to do what the artist George Bruce described as being necessary for art:

‘One must not just depict the objects, one must penetrate them, and one must oneself become the object’.” ■

Morton Gernsbacher, parent of an autistic child, says:
” … research demonstrates that autistic traits are distributed into the non-autistic population; some people have more of them, some have fewer. History suggests that many individuals whom we would today diagnose as autistic – some severely so – contributed profoundly to our art, our math, our science, and our literature. “
Frank Klein, on the difference between low functioning autism and high functioning autism:
Autism itself is not the enemy… the barriers to development that are included with autism are the enemy.

The retardation that springs from a lack of development is the enemy.

The sensory problems that are often themselves the barriers are the enemy.

These things are not part of who the child is… they are barriers to who the child is meant to be, according to the developmental blueprint.

Work with the child’s strengths to overcome the weaknesses, and work within the autism, not against it, to overcome the developmental barriers.

You do not have to wipe all of us out (“cure autism”) to solve the problems that the low-functioning autistics face.

As I see it, autistics are another kind of person, almost like another species, that has an unfortunately high rate of sensory dysfunction and resultant mental retardation in its children.

You do not have to get rid of the whole group (again, by that, I mean curing autism) to get rid of the retardation that is all too common among my kind.

That would be like trying to get rid of sickle-cell anemia by “curing” blackness (eliminating blacks).

We have too much to offer society for that to be allowed to happen… if we are helped to develop as much as possible. I think that is a great and wonderful goal, and I hope you will agree.”
Trisha Van Berkel says:
“Autism is not a puzzle, nor a disease. Autism is a challange [sic], but certainly not a devistating [sic] one.
Autism is about having a pure heart and being very sensitive… It is about finding a way to survive in an overwhelming, confusing world… It is about developing differently, in a different pace and with different leaps.
Autistic beings develop and bloom if their spirits, talents and self-esteem are not destroyed by bullies, prejudice, ‘doggie-training’, and being forced to be ‘normal’.”

■Jim Sinclair says this in “Don’t Mourn For Us:”

This is what we know, when you tell us of your fondest hopes and dreams for us: that your greatest wish is that one day we will cease to be, and strangers you can love will move in behind our faces.

■BTW, this one by Jim Sinclair reminds me of the line from the movie Batman Begins, where Ducard says this to Bruce Wayne:

But I know the rage that drives you.

That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just… poison in your veins.

And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed so you’d be spared your pain.


































THE A+ Band: We are from left Ron, Stan, Taylor & Patrick.
A+ Band You Tube Videos:
.Wanna Hold Your Hand
At  A+ Band Rehearsal; 
Patrick plays Tribute to his Dad
Bingo Rivera FCAPSG President
Medley: Amazing Grace, Happy
Birthday, Bingo is his name, and more)
Ron's You Tube videos

. Ron Adea TV Appearance
Kerry`s Place News Broadcast)

2. Claire de Lune, Debussy
Click here for the- PaeteniansCanada Chapter 25th Gala
Thank you! to all Paetenians  from all over the world who came to join us here
 in Mississauga, Ontario at PIchapter President's residence and at the Dinner Dance
in Burlington. Enjoy the video.

December 2007 Updates from Jun & Lucy Adea
Filipino-Canadian Autism Parents Support Group activities

On March of this year, Ron, our special son, shared his talent by performing in a fund raising dinner concert, organized for the benefits of destitute in the Phil. and the autistic kids. Our thanks to the FCAPSG members who supported the event. Here are links to the videos:

HAPPY 15th to Ron!

With all these celebrations it is Ron’s turn to celebrate his 15th birthday on September 22nd. For a change, instead of having lunch or dinner party, we had a breakfast party at Rendezvous Restaurant, where we invited the Fil-Can Autism Parent Support Group. It was such a joy for Ron being in the group where he is very comfortable, the Autism group. The special needs kids love the tapsilog, longsilog or tosilog breakfast. Every Saturday, we do line dancing and have breakfast at the said restaurant. That’s made Ron’s day a special one, with his peer. “Again, more thank you’s” from Ron.

October was another busy month for us, as FCAPSG member and active officer. We had our 2nd annual dinner dance on October 20th. It was attended by almost 250 guests. Everyone enjoyed the dance, the food, the raffle gifts and of course the music of our very own, the A+ Band another great performances, and was much applauded and liked by the guests. Thanks to all who supported this event for the benefits of Special Needs Kids of FCAPSG. To all members, who worked hard and donated their time and effort for the success of this event, maraming salamat.
For photos and videos:

Some of the photos from the above links are:

Above: from left: Ron's 15th birthday with his 2 Carolino cousins saying grace before
blowing the cake. Right: FCAPSG regular Sunday breakfast get-together on Ron's birthday.

Above Left photo: Ron, second from left, at his grandparents (Dr. & Mrs. Romy Adea, Sr.) 50th Wedding Anniversary in Toronto. Rightphoto: Ron with his cousins, from left, Christian (seated), Ron, Ryan, Cheenee, front in wheelchair, Eugene Jerome (sprained his
ankle at Darien Lake RV)
Above Photo:Dada Lourdes Q. Carolino and her grandchildren: Cheenee
(Emil & Jenny) Carolino; Dada Lou; Eugene Jerome (Emi l& Jenny) Carolino;
 Ron Michael Adea (Jun & Lucy); Christian  Carolino (Rey & Tina);
Ryan Christopher Carolino (Rey & Tina)






Above: QC celebrated Tito Emil's 50th birthday at Darien Lake Niagara Falls,USA 


Above: QC w/Lolo & Lola (Dr & Mrs Romeo (Nene) Adea) - Back row from left-Christian, Rey & Tina QC; Judy QC; DadaDu QC; Dada Lee Q. and Ryan

Ron's Community Guesting Events

Filipino Community Center Toronto (FCT)
Children's Christmas Party

Below: Ron with Dr. Raul Sunico (Dean of the Conservatory of Music, University of
Sto. Tomas). A well known Filipino concert artist at a Sunico concert here in Toronto
last April 23, 2006. 

Below: The JENNIFER  CAMACHO fund-raising concert for the FCAPSG-Toronto 1st  Annual
Dinner & Dance fundraising event; Saturday, October 21, 2006 at Mississauga Valley
Community Centre.

Article on Autism:
What Happens When They Grow Up?
By Barbara Kantrowitz and Julie Scelfo (Newsweek Cover Story)

Teenagers and young adults are the emerging face of autism as the disorder continues to challenge science and unite determined families.

Nov. 27, 2006 issue - Chicken and potatoes. Chicken and potatoes. Danny Boronat wants chicken and potatoes. He asks for it once, twice ... 10 times. In the kitchen of the family's suburban New Jersey home, Danny's mother, Loretta, chops garlic for spaghetti sauce. No chicken and potatoes, she tells Danny. We're having spaghetti. But Danny wants chicken and potatoes. Chicken and potatoes. His 12-year-old sister, Rosalinda, wanders in to remind her mother about upcoming basketball tryouts. His brother Alex, 22, grabs some tortilla chips and then leaves to check scores on ESPN. His other brother Matthew, 17, talks about an upcoming gig with his band. Danny seems not to notice any of this. "Mom," he asks in a monotone, "why can't we have chicken and potatoes?" If Danny were a toddler, his behavior would be nothing unusual. But Danny Boronat is 20 years old. "That's really what life with autism is like," says Loretta. "I have to keep laughing. Otherwise, I would cry."

Autism strikes in childhood, but as thousands of families like the Boronats have learned—and thousands more are destined to learn—autism is not simply a childhood disorder. Two decades into the surge of diagnoses that has made autism a major public health issue, a generation of teenagers and young adults is facing a new crisis: what happens next?
Click here for complete story >>  Newsweek Magazine November 27, 2006 issue.  

(Do not forget to click the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.)

Difference in the Behaviors of Infants With and Without Autism

Infants with Autism

Normal Infants


  • Avoid eye contact
  • Seem deaf
  • Start developing language, then
    abruptly stop talking altogether


  • Study mother's face
  • Easily stimulated by sounds
  • Keep adding to vocabulary and
    expanding grammatical usage

Social relationships

  • Act as if unaware of the coming and going
    of others
  • Physically attack and injure others without
  • Inaccessible, as if in a shell


Social relationships

  • Cry when mother leaves the room and are anxious with strangers
  • Get upset when hungry or frustrated
  • Recognize familiar faces and smile

Exploration of environment

  • Remain fixated on a single item or activity
  • Practice strange actions like rocking or
  • Sniff or lick toys
  • Show no sensitivity to burns or bruises,
    and engage in self-mutilation, such as
    eye gouging


Exploration of environment

  • Move from one engrossing object or activity to another
  • Use body purposefully to reach or acquire objects
  • Explore and play with toys
  • Seek pleasure and avoid pain


NOTE: This list is not intended to be used to assess whether a particular person has child autism. Diagnosis should only be done by a specialist using highly detailed background information and behavioral observations.

Princesa, Palawan, Philippines

Puerto Princesa, palawan













PHOTOS: BalikBayan visit to the Philippines
Point to thumbnails for story
Click thumbnails for original size

A regular Balikvisit to Monsigneur Eser in his parish BalikVisit with tita Madre (Margarita Quesada) at SienaCousins and Kaka Pina in Paete at tito Tirso and tita Sonia Figurine showplace in Pasig City
BalikVisit with Cabrera-Manclla cousins in Paete   Lola Tita and cousins in RP
Dada Sonia Quesada Calaranan family in Ortigas, Pasig Fr. Jojo, Bro Jun, Sister Ver0, Bro Joven Lolo Acu, Tito Alex Mancilla in Dambo farm
Papa & Mama' classmates in Paete Puerto Princesa, palawan Palawan Beaches
visited  relatives in Vigan Tita Mhey Bagalso in paete tita ofel's vacation house in Paete
Tito Bert Cabrera store in paete Tito Leo, papa with tito Maury Afuang Tito Nilo Valdecantos at his Kape Kesada
Mama's high school reunionistas    


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